Ithaca Blog

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Concerted Efforts for Peace in Ithaca

The crowds at the rally for peace on the Ithaca Commons and the peace concert at the State Theater on St. Patrick's Day were heartening.

Harsh weather threatened the Commons turnout, but 600 people, undaunted by the cold and snow, gathered for an end to the war.

Congressman Maurice Hinchey spoke to the crowd. Hinchey has been a forceful opponent to the war since the beginning.

Mr. Hinchey stayed for the Karan Casey concert, where he made brief remarks to the crowd of over 1,000. He received warm acknowledgement from the crowd for his leadership. (Before taking the stage, Mr. Hinchey expressed amused doubt at the suggestion that the crowd would stand for him. In fact, many did.)

Like our congressman, Ithaca as a community has shown great leadership for American principles of peaceful foreign policy, and law-abiding government at home. Let us continue.

Stephen Burke
for Ithaca Blog

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